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4 to 6 years

squirrels scouts logo

We’ve started opening a new provision for four to six year olds called Squirrels, to help young people gain skills for life at a time when it matters most and where it's most needed.

Being a Squirrel

When you join Squirrels, you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things.


Completing awards challenges you to do more, learn more and be more. See what’s on offer and start your journey to the top.

young person in the forest

Activity Badges

Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. There’s a badge to suit each and every Squirrel.

a young person planting seeds in a pot
an adult with three young people in the forest

Moving up to Beavers
Eventually, it’ll be time to say goodbye to Squirrels and explore your next big adventure with Beavers.

About Beavers

poster with information to join squirrel scouts

Ready to join?

As squirrels is new to Scouting not every group has Squirrels yet. 

To find a group near you that does follow the link below, otherwise hit the join button!

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